
Tropical Green Smoothie: A Lush Paradise in a Glass


Dive into a tropical paradise with this Tropical Green Smoothie! Combining the lush flavors of tropical fruits with nutrient-packed greens, this smoothie is not only a health powerhouse but also a taste sensation. It's the perfect way to get your kids excited about greens and fruits!

Tropical Green Smoothie: A Lush Paradise in a Glass

Preparation and Cooking Times

  • Prep time: 5 minutes
  • Total time: 5 minutes

Number of Servings and Serving Size

  • Serves: 2
  • Serving size: 1 glass (approximately 250ml or 8 ounces)


  • Spinach leaves: 60g (0.13 pounds)
  • Pineapple, chopped: 200g (0.44 pounds)
  • Mango, chopped: 150g (0.33 pounds)
  • Banana, ripe: 1 medium
  • Coconut water: 240ml (1 cup)
  • Greek yogurt: 100g (0.22 pounds)
  • Honey (optional): 15ml (1 tablespoon)
  • Ice cubes: a handful

Detailed Method of Preparation

  1. Prepare Ingredients: Wash spinach leaves and chop pineapple and mango. Peel the banana.
  2. Blend: In a blender, combine spinach, pineapple, mango, banana, coconut water, Greek yogurt, honey (if using), and ice cubes.
  3. Puree Until Smooth: Blend on high speed until smooth. If the smoothie is too thick, add a bit more coconut water.
  4. Taste and Adjust: Taste the smoothie and add more honey if needed for sweetness.
  5. Serve: Pour into glasses and enjoy the tropical flavors!

Tips for Culinary Success

  • Frozen Fruit: Use frozen pineapple or mango for a colder, thicker smoothie.
  • Make It Vegan: Substitute Greek yogurt with a plant-based yogurt and use a vegan sweetener.
  • Involve the Kids: Let the kids help by adding ingredients to the blender and pressing the blend button.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can I add protein to this smoothie? Yes, a scoop of protein powder or a spoonful of nut butter will work well.
  • What if I don't have coconut water? Regular water or any milk variety can be used as a substitute.
  • Can I make this ahead of time? It's best enjoyed fresh, but you can store it in the fridge for up to 24 hours.
